Your Research & Development team
Working side by side our clients, we design and build
hardware and software solutions taylored on their needs.
Your Research
& Development team
Working side by side our clients, we design and build hardware and software solutions taylored on their needs.
Your Research
& Development team
Working side by side our clients, we design and build hardware and software solutions taylored on their needs.
- Client
- On assignment at Meta Platforms Inc.
- Date
- February 13, 2023
- Client
- Soluzione innovativa che trasforma le protezioni antiurto in dispositivi intelligenti capaci di monitorare e comunicare in tempo reale il loro stato di efficienza, migliorando significativamente la sicurezza negli ambienti industriali.
- Date
- September 17, 2021
- Client
- Progettazione di servizi e soluzioni avanzate in ambito informatico e comunicazione digitale per aziende private ed enti pubblici.
- Date
- April 29, 2022
- Client
- Software e applicazione mobile per il monitoraggio e controllo remoto di macchine.
- Date
- September 12, 2018
- Client
- Realizzazione di una piattaforma web altamente personalizzata per la gestione completa degli ordini di acquisto e di tutte le informazioni necessarie.
- Date
- September 12, 2018
- Client
- Interfaccia remota per macchine automatiche con identificazione tramite Beacon Bluetooth
- Date
- September 12, 2018
We believe in good
design and in the
best user experience.
We work with the latest technologies,
and we love to learn new techniques every day
to create and maintain cutting-edge projects.
We believe in good design and in the best user experience.
We work with the latest technologies, and we love to learn new techniques every day to create and maintain cutting-edge projects.